Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abi's new chair:

So, you see - I really like sitting up now - I can see what's going on so much better. Its hard being little - I can't see up very high. I needed a little help so my parents got me this cool chair. I really like it. My mom and I are having a deep conversation here - I'm thanking her for my sweet new chair. :) (9-5-08)
(9-10-08) OH, WOW! What is that? Mom says its my foot... Is it edible? I'm very curious!
It looks really yummy! How do I get at that?!! Maybe if I try hard enough I'll be able to get it in my mouth! That would be really cool.
(9-14-08) Just in case you wondered I'm a Patriots fan. This chair has realy helped me to catch the games. Oh, and don't laugh at my hair! It isn't nice - I can't help that its all falling out... They tell me I'll get new some day.
(9-19-08) My mom put these cool stippers on my feet - don't you like them?


milo said...

she's a Jets fan

Melissa and Aaron said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

i posted a comment under the wrong name. i'm back to say...these pictures are freakin amazing. most of all the football one. i want to squeeze her right now...