Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abi's new chair:

So, you see - I really like sitting up now - I can see what's going on so much better. Its hard being little - I can't see up very high. I needed a little help so my parents got me this cool chair. I really like it. My mom and I are having a deep conversation here - I'm thanking her for my sweet new chair. :) (9-5-08)
(9-10-08) OH, WOW! What is that? Mom says its my foot... Is it edible? I'm very curious!
It looks really yummy! How do I get at that?!! Maybe if I try hard enough I'll be able to get it in my mouth! That would be really cool.
(9-14-08) Just in case you wondered I'm a Patriots fan. This chair has realy helped me to catch the games. Oh, and don't laugh at my hair! It isn't nice - I can't help that its all falling out... They tell me I'll get new some day.
(9-19-08) My mom put these cool stippers on my feet - don't you like them?

More Abi pictures

2 1/2 months: I can grab my toys (for about 5 seconds) and they go straight to my mouth! I'm teething like crazy already!
2 1/2 months: I can fold my hands - I think I'm pretty cool. (one of my parents favorite pictures...)
2 1/2 months: My mom is crazy and she made me wear this silly hat cause she thought it looks cute. My mom is so silly...
Almost 3 months: I look so pretty in my little skirt!
3 months: (these pics are all a little late) Sept 2 - I'm 3 months old already and I'm pretty proud of myself.
3 months: I really like sitting up now too! I can see what's going on so much better! I'm very curious and its so hard when they make me lay on my back - after all, I'm big now and I got stuff to do! Please people! Try to understand!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not much going on.

I feel as though I should post something because its been a while, but there isn't much going on so I don't feel like I have much to say! I can always post more pictures of the babe... Oh, that reminds me - I never posted her 3 month pics.... I'll have to get to that. Gosh, its so hard to get anything done around here! Keeping up with dishes and laundry is about all I can handle. Forget cleaning the house - and getting a meal on the table takes a great effort.

Abi, Abi, Abi.... We have fought all day today. She will NOT sleep longer than 45 minutes for her naps. It doesn't seem to matter what I do... Even if I fight with her for several minutes and hold the pacifier in her mouth till she falls back to sleep (after a bunch of screaming) she will be awake all over again in 45 min. I can't seem to fix the problem. Then she's miserable and screaming all day because she's so over tired. Hmmm... I think I'll call Chris and Pam Stanley tomorrow and see what they have to say....

We've been thinking about getting a ping-pong table for the family room down stairs. We have no furniture to put down there so the room is empty and we've wanted to make it into a game room. All game tables are expensive though! We were going to split the cost and take it out of our "allowance" money, but Kris found one on sale on Craig's-list for $35! (cost us $40 because we didn't have exact change...) Anyway - he borrowed the truck from work and picked it up last night. Its nothing fancy, but I think we're really going to enjoy it. Maybe the family room will get some use now!

Our smallgroup meets this Thursday - we're starting a study on the book of James. Why James? Just happens to be my favorite book and no body said what book they wanted to study, just that they wanted to study one! We now have 7 couples in our group - 8 sometimes. The group is growing - hard to believe that at the start of last year we had only 2 couples and were concerned about it! We've had 2 new couples join this year and are learning how to work with the expansion. We know that it changes the dynamics to have new people join, but feel strongly that we should keep our group "open." Funny thing is - why are both of the other "young married couples" groups in church struggling to get people? They are both excellent groups!? I'm praying that they will see new people soon too and feel encouraged. We feel very blessed. It would be hard to have to "split" our group if it gets much bigger - we're all getting so close now. We shall have to wait and see how things go this year.

So I'm back to work... Just per-diam, so I'm working only 2 shifts per week. I'm working every-other weekend (days) and one evening a week. That way Kris can be home with Abigail when I'm working and we don't have to worry about who is taking care of her. The one day a week that I work evenings I have to be to work at 3pm and Kris doesn't get out till 4pm so she stays with Nicole for a couple hours. I'm so grateful that she's willing to help us out like this. She already has 3 girls and has to deal with my schedule that changes every week. Thank you Nicole!

I'm anxious to see what my paycheck will look like this week so that we can re-do the budget and see if things will actually work out! I think that things might get a bit "tighter" than we are used to. Prayerfully we'll be able to handle everything as is. We shall soon see...

Guess I had more to say than I thought.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A few more Abi pics :)

These first 2 pics were from a couple months ago, but I never posted them on here. Abi's 2 month shots. The one of her and Kris is one of my most favorite pictures ever!

We had friends take our family picture last week. I think that it’s the first good family pic we have. She's just starting to get old enough to cooperate a little bit with pictures :)

Abi is a very curious baby. She's always looking around and studying everything. She screams when we hold her facing us - she wants to be turned out so she can see the world! She's started to love sitting up and looking around, but her back is still a little wobbly - so we got her this cool chair! She likes it!!
Abi likes story time! (well actually - it only lasted a few minutes... We'll have to try again!)
Me and my little babe - at lock 7 near our house...

Photo shoot

We tried to do a little photo shoot with the babe last weekend, but she's still a little too small to be very cooperative. We'll have to try again. We weren't really sure we liked what we got, but I thought these were cute so I wanted to post them anyway.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Firsts :)

Abigail had a bunch of firsts this past Labor Day weekend - pretty stinkin cute! (In my most humble opinion.) :)

First we went to Cobleskill to my parents house on Saturday. Apparently Grandpa had been waiting for her to get her first calf ride! He ran right out to pasture and she had her first steer riding stint! And she thought.... ....dahhh....what's this....?

Then Grandpa helped her to taste her first fresh strawberries, and Grandma showed her all the flowers. She wasn't quite sure what to think of the berries!

Then on Sunday we went up to Schroon Lake were Nana and Grampa camp every Labor day and Abigail got to wiggle her toes in the sand for the first time. her reaction was the same. ....dahhhh....waz that?....My fingers taste good!... :)

All in all I think all the "new" activities and fresh outside air kinda wore her out!

Monday, September 01, 2008

1:50 AM

Yes - that's what time it is... I should be sleeping. I was actually, but I woke up with nasty allergies. Its funny really - I never had allergies in my life till about 5 years ago. Then I started to get seasonal allergies in the fall every year. Probably ragweed - and somehow every year they seem to get just a little bit worse. I woke up at 1:15 with my eyes swollen and fiery red and my mouth, nose, eyes, ears and throat itching so that I could hardly stand it. I took some meds and I'm just waiting for them to work so that I can hopefully go back to sleep. So what better to do while you wait than change all the colors on your blog? :) Hence the new look - you have allergies to thank for it!