Sunday, May 11, 2008

4/27/08 New Curtains!

Yeah! We finally hung curtains in our living room - only a year later! We've actually had them for a couple months - just didn't get them hung - I can't believe how much better the room looks with them!

The shorter ones on the smaller winder I was able to get hemmed and Ironed the other day before all the family was here for Linea's wedding - The longer ones may have to wait till after the baby comes - to hard to get around to do it! Though they do look much better when they're done! I'll take "finished product" pictures later! The floor length ones I actually really like like that, but they have to hemmed a little because when they're closed they cover the heating duct right in the middle... I'll get to it eventually. I wish I could have bought them already hemmed, but the windows are so big that it was virtually impossible to get curtains made-to-fit. ....Well - unless I wanted to spend close to 800$!! (As is was it was unbelievably expensive to get the curtains and rods for this room! Wow - things are so expensive! I'm very happy with how they look though and it brightens up the room nicely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like those curtains. You are right - they brighten up the room quite a bit. That's a great way to incorporate red - not too much, not too little.

Jessica B.