Sunday, March 02, 2008


So about two and a half years ago - I was newly married, it was winter, I didn't seem to have enough to do and wasn't sure how to fill my time... That has changed. But at the time, I was looking for something to do and decided to start crocheting an afghan! Several times since then I've wondered why on earth I started such a thing and almost decided to make it much smaller blanket a few times. But, i couldn't... cause I promised my Hubby that I'd make it for him! Its been one of those things that I'll work on for a while, then forget about it for a while... Well, a few weeks ago, I finally realized that if I didn't get it finished before baby comes, then I'd probably never get it done! So I've worked feverishly for the last few weeks and here it is!!!

The finished product...!!!
And here is an "up close" view...
In other news... We'll be painting the baby's room this week! Morgan is coming over to help me a couple days this week. Kris' Mom bought us our crib already - God bless her! Now we need to get the room ready so that we can put the crib together. She told us the other day that she wanted to buy the crib and she and Kenny dropped it off Sat. morning! Then I got home from work and found a brand new mattress for it in the garage as well! What a blessing Kris' parents are!!!

I'll have to get another "belly" pic up this week - I've just passed the 6 month mark. Already I feel huge - I can't imagine what I'll look like in another 2 1/2 months! This afternoon I sat on the couch for a while and just watched my belly jump around - so funny looking. I feel like an alien! She doesn't kick all the much, but it sure is getting stronger when she does!!!


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful, Jessamyn. Congrats on finishing it! I know how those types of projects go - much easier to start than to finish them.

I'm glad you guys are making progress on the baby's room already. I am sure it's going to be very pretty when it's finished.

Jessica B. said...

is so pretty. charlotta will love it.