Monday, January 21, 2008

Its A GIRL!!!!!!

We had an ultrasound this morning and sure enough... ITS A GIRL!!! We're really excited! We would be just as happy either way, but we were hoping just a little bit for a girl! :) The ultrasound was awesome! Kris came with me and we were both amazed by how much we could see and how easy it was to make everything out! We could see all the little bones in the arms and legs, hands and feet. We saw the little one wiggling all over - its so amazing to see! She's already all curled up in her little "baby pose." Yes, I was and still am in absolute awe!!

So, I thought I would share the few ultrasound pictures that I have so far... This first one was at 6 weeks and I call it "the pea!" ...test positive - there is an egg sack...!
This second one is 10 weeks... You can't really see much, but those 2 little balls at the top are baby Milo! I think the head is on the right and he body on the left...
And last but not least - these two are today's glamor shots!! I think she looks like a little alien...:) so cute. You can see the face easily and her little arm...
Well, that's all folks...
Until next time...

Oh, p.s. I forgot that I was going to mention - on a different note - God blessed me with a pretty substantial raise at work this week! What a blessing! Apparently my Hospital had to evaluate our pay based on other hospitals around and we didn't measure up! What a blessing for us! Especially now that the little one is coming and ill be cutting back!


Morgan L.G. said...

I am so excited! Congrats on the raise by the way.

Anonymous said...


That's so exciting that the baby cooperated! I'm happy for you and Kris.

Congrats on the raise, by the way, that's awesome.

Jessica B. said...

I'M SO EXCITED--i think i mentioned that a couple times...