Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Dr. Appointment...

Oh, the last 2 weeks... They have been rough - to say the least. I hate to complain, but if there is one thing that I hate its being nauseous and it hasn't stopped for 12 days so far. I'm better on the days that I work for the simple reason that there are so many things to keep me distracted! Please, dear God, Help me through this time! I probably shouldn't admit this, but I was starting to get scared... I've been so sick that I wasn't excited anymore... and I hated that feeling! Well, today I went to the Dr. for the very first time. I'm still sick and trying to keep food down as I write, BUT - I'm excited again... I have our first ultrasound picture hanging on the fridge!!! I must admit - it really looks like a pea. Way to small to really see anything - just a little round ball. But, I did see the heartbeat. Now a little more of reality sets in! I just can't wait to feel better!!! I was so hoping to avoid this part! Dr. Skory changed my due date too. He said the baby is still to small to be quite as far along as I thought... So the new due date is June 7th.


thecolonelswife said...

Horray for the ultrasound pic!! Isn't it so exciting?

I'm sure you already know this, but I found comfort in the dr. letting me know that nausea actually meant things are going well. The other thing that really helped me was counting down the 1st trimester weeks and by week 14 I didn't have the nausea/ vomiting anymore. I am one who "dry heaves" instead of vomit and will choke it down, so this was especially hard for me. Only saying that to say, I sympathize and it will pass much more quickly than it seems.

Posting June 7 on my calendar!!!

Are you all going to try to find out the gender or be suprised?

Amy said...

Hang in there hun! It will get better. I don’t know how much you’ve looked into it, but my mom said that in her experience often ginger helps to settle the stomach during pregnancy. You can get ginger ale or they make ginger lozenges or gum. Also a lot of people (about 50%) have great success with “Acupressure Anti-Nausea Wrist Bands” which you can get at CVS. Also try to keep some food in your stomach at all times, even just a couple crackers will help limit the nausea.

Love you Pro! Morgan and I are so excited about the heart beat, it’s amazing!! If there’s anything we can do for you just let us know, we’re happy to help.