Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Forgot that I Never Posted These!

I completely forgot that I never posted any of these pictures! This was what Linea's room originally looked like! Very ugly. Our first thought was just to paint it and we told Linea that we would buy the paint and she would have to do the painting... (Notice the ugly shell lights on the wall - reminded be of a mermaid bra every time I looked at them!)
We quickly realized that there was actually sheet-rock underneath the ugly panelling (Thank you Mark!) So wasted no time in taking the paneling off. Only to realize that the closet actually had no sheet-rock Mark turned the paneling around and put it back on! Already looking better! Don't you just love the peach color? I hate it! I can't believe how much peach there was in this house! (our bedroom, Linea's room, and the downstairs bathroom - ugh.)
Working hard...
Or hardly working - either way... (J/K Linea!)
So after they finished patching everything they finally got to paint. Then, how could we not replace the lights - they were so ugly! And last but not least the trim was terribly pieced together, so we had to get new. Now the room looks ever so much better. See the "better" below!!! Thanks for all you hard work Linea and Mark!

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