Monday, April 30, 2007

Its been so long!

Wow, I can't believe its been 4 weeks since I've posted. I've thought of it often and while I can't exactly say what's kept me so buisy, I feel that I've hardly had a chance to breath! Where does the time go. We've been busy with "house" things - hopefully we will have pictures for you before next week. The closing was supposed to be tomorrow, but sadly we still have no idea when we are closing! Its very frustrating. We've been really annoyed with our mortgage broker who has dropped the ball about 20 times. And the last thing is that the woman we are buying the house from has already pre-signed all the paper work and moved to another state. That's all fine, great and wonderful - but she hasn't cleaned out the house - there is still furnature in it! We're truly frustrated, but praying that God will work everything out in his due time. We started packing a few weeks ago so there are lots of boxes all over the house!

April has been an odd month as far as weather goes! We had a lovely 3 days of 70 and 80 degree weather followed by a lot of cold and rain - can you say flooding!!?? I posted a couple pictures of our local park for you to see the wet...

Happily there are signs of spring starting to shine through... The leaves are starting to come out and I saw someone mowing their lawn the other day!

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