Friday, September 22, 2006

Ever so long...

I know, Its been so very long since I've posted. I'm not quite sure where all the time goes! I was looking through old pictures today and realized that I had never posted any pictures from my graduation from nursing school, so I thought I might share a few...

Not quite sure why I never posted any of these... Could have something to do with the fact that I was hearing wedding bells and all things wedding seemed so much more important!!! :) So here - 1 1/2 years later is my tribute to the fact that graduation was important too. BUT passing my boards 4 months later was even more important! I'm so happy that I made it through that!

Kris is back in school this semester. He has only 12 more credits to finish his degree and wants to get it done before we have kids. That way we won't be hypocrites for encouraging our kids to go on in school! :) I'm proud of my husband. God has blessed him with a really good job, so he doesn't really need to finish school, but it will be so nice to know that its done and he has his degree! Ah, back in school, don't you just love all the college culture these days?!?


thecolonelswife said...

What does Kris do for a living? What is he going to school for? When are you wanting to have kids?:) Lots of questions. By the way - you look VERY cute as a nurse. Congradulations again!!

Pro said...

Thanx... :) I'm going to send you a whole e-mail - hopefully later today and answer a lot of question. :) I have to clean the house at the moment - my parents are coming over a little later. Papa hasn't seen the appartment yet, and Linea is staying for a few days...

gio said...

I'm so proud of you guys
God bless both of you in all that you do i think that you have a wonderful relationship that is a good example for many younger people such as myself

God Bless