Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just for Fun :)

5 things in my freezer: Hmmm - never seems to be much here...
1. Tons of hamburger buns - left over from homegroup. Guess I just don't know how much to buy!
2. Ice cubes
3. Frozen vegies
4. Coffee - holds is flavor so much better in the freezer
5. More ice cubes

5 Things in my closet
1. A currently empty laundry basket! Yippy! Thanx to my 5 loads of laundry today :)
2. My passport - don't worry, its in the safe!
3. Scrubs - in all shapes and colors.
4. Hats
5. Hangers - gotta have somewhere to put those clothes!

5 Things in my car:
1. A flash light - not sure why, but I've always had one in my car - never know - might break down in the dark...
2. A "safety kit" - its got all kinds of cool things like reflectors, flares, jumper cables, tire repair kit - great stuff. (now if only I knew how to use any of it!)
3. Spray air freshener - most important.
4. I have a journal in my glovebox in which i used to write down my mileage every time I got gas.
5. Lots of durt - maybe one day I'll clean my car...

5 things in my purse:
1. Hand sanitizer! (most important things first)
2. Calculator - yes I have one too - Its so necessary!
3. Eye glasses screw-driver.
4. Pepper-spray. I've never used it but I have it.
5. Ibuprofen

5 things in my diaper bag: No, I don't have one of these, but I'm sure that If I did it would be full of many useful things!


1 comment:

thecolonelswife said...

Every time I carry pepper spray (so very important in the inner city when on the street) it gets taken away by the government. Actually when we left for our honeymoon flight, I had it in my purse (I had completely forgotten about it) and a pair of little sewing scissors, so I got pulled out of line for "terroist activity" & had to sign the terroist list. For awhile then, they pulled me out each time we flew!

Then also the courthouse is always taking my things (I had to be a witness for a trial and went 3 times before I actually testified). Such things as pepper spray, hairspray, eye glasses kit - i mean, duh - you can see I wear glasses, I'm not going to do anything else with them. I am not even sure what could be done with them).