Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mystic and a Sun Burn Later...

This is my favorite of my few pics from Mystic Aquarium... Yup - we went there Sunday. Just part of our wonderful Anniversary weekend. It was so nice to have a 3-day weekend - I haven't had one in so long I almost forgot how wonderful they were! Saturday was our one year anniversary - I can't even believe that its already been a year! We spent the day sleeping and eating. Then Sunday we went down to Mystic Aquarium. Obviously, I didn't really realize how sunny it was - such a nice sunburn I have! :) We spent the rest of the day at Hammonasset State Park on the beach. We've decided that we LOVE CT beach! If we had any plans to move that area would be high on our list. Don't worry - we aren't going anywhere! Monday we spent at picnics and visiting people - all in all a very nice weekend.

Yah - this is about the most boring blog yet... go check out the rest of my pictures over on www.shutupmilo.com instead of anymore reading. :)

1 comment:

gio said...

hey pro that is an amazing picture i love it ... i hope all is well...
do you know if your brother Arron has an AIM name or not .. .if so could you equip me with that info so i can talk to him about his trip to afria ??? also if he has an email ... that would be much appreciated thank you :-)
good night