Monday, May 29, 2006

From my Honey...

...from my Honey - on our Anniversary...

(i don’t like cards, i never have. i don’t need hallmark to decide how i’m going to say something or what words i’m going to use …. so this is my card)
Simply put, this last year has been the absolute greatest of my life. I can’t think of a time when I’ve enjoyed being around a person as much as I enjoy being around you. You’re patience, your kindness, your love for me is never ending. I’m sorry for the times I become difficult to be around, it’s never my intent to hurt you.
We’ve learned to live together, to talk together, to enjoy one another. We’ve learn to argue respectfully, we’ve learned to be honest about how we feel, we’ve learned to allow the other to be mad from time to time. Most importantly, we’ve always been a team. I love you more than I can express.
I pray that the next year of our marraige will be exactly like the first. It was perfect. I’m sad for the people who have warned us that the first year is always the toughest. Or rather, I hope they’re right, because that means the coming years will be nothing short of heaven on earth. God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined.
I love you, pro …. happy anniversary


gio said...

awwww that is so touching pro you two are a real encouragment to me just so you know ... thanks for bein you guys ... i appreciate the example you guys have been to me and the many others im sure you effect every day ...

ps... ask milo a question for me and send me a message back ok ...
(i now have high speed internet and my computer is on line ... should i open up photoshop or will the interent regiser the copy auotomatically and i will ruin everyones disk lol ??
love you guys

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious. That is seriously sweet and touching. I am really glad you guys are enjoying your marriage so much. :-)

Anonymous said...

aww, so cute, love ya guys