Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fun Times!

Hehehe... good for a few laughs :) We went down to the Corning Preserve over the weekend to take some pictures. One of the challenges for this week was "yellow" so Kris was taking some pics of me with this wig on. (You can see it on our website.) So I got him to put it on just before we left. The funniest part was that there was a guy out jogging and he was afraid to go by - as he put it "I definitely can't get in the way of this one!" Slightly even more humorous the very next day when I was walking at the Y with Jessica and the very same guy went jogging past me. Don't you ever wonder just what must go through other people's heads when they see you? Or is that just me?

There is a mini challenge going on (starting Saturday) at DPC. A bunch of people are going to try to do 30 self-portraits in 30 day. Kris and I are both going to try to do it so we are both creating additional photologs to post them to. I'll be putting links to the left of my page if you want to go check them out. Probably won't post them every day, but will post a few a time. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

lol, that's funny about the guy who keeps jogging by you...


Anonymous said...

Milo, your my boy for wearin that hat in public, HAHA

gio said...

hey pro i really like that picture how much did yo pay milo to let put it up lol or does he know ??? lol i hope i get to come see you guys some time soon
keep in touch ...