Tuesday, March 20, 2012

RSV to Norovirus!

Its been a pretty awful 18 days at the Milo house and here's why:

Sat 3/3   I notice Abi starts coughing.
Sun 3/4   The cough is pretty bad and now a fever.
Mon 3/5  Thankfully the fever is gone already so I assume that this was just her norm - fever every time she's sick...
Wed 3/7   Danny starts coughing.
Thurs 3/8   Abi is getting no better and now Danny doesn't sound good. So we head to the pediatrician. Dr. can't find anything but sends both kids home on antibiotics anyway. Later that night Danny wakes up barking like a seal and his breathing sounds awful.  I assume that its croup and take him into a steamy bathroom to help his breathing.  Call the Pediatrician and she agrees that its croup and mentions giving him Tylenol to help with a fever, but he has no fever!  ...till I get off the phone and his fever spikes to 103.3!  Ugh.
Sat 3/10   Danny is still no better. No longer sounds like croup, but still has a fever and horrid cough. So we head back to the pediatrician. We end up getting chest x-rays and the pediatrician is worried about possible pneumonia. She sends us straight to the ER.  In the ER they decide that its not pneumonia, but RSV.  That explains a lot.  Dan won't eat or drink and hasn't peed in a day so he winds up getting a IV fluid bolus.  Great - I just realized I'm not feeling well either.
Sun 3/11  We can't get Dan's temp under 103.3 with Tylenol and Motrin all night so Kris takes him back to the ER.  He eventually comes home after being told to "wait it out."
Mon 3/12   I feel so sick.  Kris tells me he's got a soar throat as well.
Tues 3/12   I can barely move I feel so cruddy!  And Danny is STILL running a fever. I call in to work for the second time in a week.
Wed 3/13   Danny's fever has finally broken for the first time in a week and he's starting to eat and drink a little better.
Thurs 3/14   I'm still completely exhausted, but I need to get to work!  Abi has been fine now for a couple days and Danny seems OK so I go to work 3-11.
Fri 3/15   All seems to be well so I'll pick up another shift at work this evening 3-11.  Oh, no...  wait - its 1pm and I'm getting ready for work...  I'm a little worried about the fact Dan has been refusing food all day...  He wakes up screaming and projectile vomits all over the room and me.  I call in to work... again!  Danny spends the rest of the afternoon spitting up and has diarrhea in the evening, but by 6pm he seems a little hungry and eats something. What a relief!
Sat 3/16   Dan is still tired and cranky, so I take Abi to church and the guys stay home.  When we get home from church Abi asks for a snack.  She eats some popcorn and immediately starts complaining of a stomach ache.  Not realizing what's going on, after a couple hrs of her complaining I decide she must be hungry and try to get her to eat an animal cracker.  All is lost in a big mess on the couch.  (Huge props to Kris for cleaning it so well we will never even remember!) Poor Abi spends the rest of the night vomiting every 20 minutes till about 4:30am - then we finally get a fitful 2 hrs of tossing and turning...
Sun 3/17    Kris doesn't feel well...  I can't decide if I'm sick or its just anxiety!  Abi won't eat, but I can get her to drink and she seems OK - The Ped is telling me to take her to the ER for dehydration eval, but she's ok and I don't.  Kris spends the afternoon on the toilet.  Abi has been running a fever since early this morning so I'm trying to keep Tylenol in her without her throwing it up.  At 7pm I give her one more "pre bed" dose - she immediately throws up.  Kris sees and says he's going to go do the same thing.  Abi throws up - I calm her down, run to the bathroom to check on Kris.  He says he's ok so I run back to clean up Abi.  I hear Kris come to the door - he says something that is not comprehensible.  I say, "what?"  I hear, "not...good..." and a crash.  I run to the bathroom to find my husband slumped in  a ball on the bathroom floor sweating like someone dumped a bucket of water over his head, white as a sheet and lifeless.  I tell him to lay down and he doesn't move or respond.  I lay him on the floor and run for my phone. Abi is sitting on the couch and has no idea what is going on so I tell her to stay there and watch her cartoons.  I call 911 and try to clean up the blood on Kris face from the gash in his nose.  I'm trying to stay calm, but freaking out inside.  The ambulance comes and they can't get his blood pressure and I watch as he keeps trying to fall out of the chair they put him in.  They put him on a stair stretcher and take him out to the ambulance while I give the EMT his history.  One small moment of oversight and I realize that Abi is alone in the living-room watching her Daddy go out on a stretcher.  I run into the living-room to see her standing on the couch looking out the window with a look of horror on her face and i run to her just as she starts screaming hysterically.  One moment I will always be sad about - that I wasn't there to hold her and explain that all would be well.  I'm so grateful that our neighbors walked in the door right at that moment - it gave Abi a distraction and I so didn't want to be alone at the moment!  Paul sat with us and Mary-Ellen ran to the store to get Abi some Pedialyte and some ginger-ale.  I call Kris Mom and ask her to meet him at the ER - Paul and Mary-Ellen volunteer to watch the kids so I can go, but I'm worried about them being sick to and know Kris is in good hands.  Finally I remember to call the Ped about Abi and the Tylenol - he lets known his displeasure that I didn't take her to the ER like he wanted and tells me its ok to give her more tylenol.  I do slowly and she's able to keep it down and I put her to bed. I called my parents and Daddy came to spend the night with us.  I'm so glad to have someone around at the moment!  I call Kris parents and talk to Kris for a few minutes.  He sounds so much better and tells me to get some rest.  I finally fall asleep on the couch at 11pm and wake up when Kris gets home at 1am.  I was so happy to see him, but I'm a bit embarrassed by my bodies response.  We talked for a few minutes till I realized i was about to pass out.  I had to lay on the bed to get some blood to my head.  I think seeing him just finally let me deal with my feelings from earlier in the evening!
Sun 3/18   Abi is way too lethargic today.  Won't eat or drink - we head to the ER.  They basically send us home with zofran and tell us again to "wait it out."  Kris spends the entire day on the pooper and I'm worried about more dehydration...  He just doesn't look good.  :(  In the evening Abi starts crying, moaning and complaining about tummy pain.  I call the Ped again and they are hopeful that this is just the end of everything "working its way through."  After a couple hours she passes huge amounts of gas and has some diarrhea.  She now feels fine and we play "games in the closet."  Its her favorite evening thing to do and I'm so happy to see her acting good!  I put her to bed and Kris and I head to bed shortly after.  Abi's fever has finally broken and she is sleeping well. First decent night of sleep for me in weeks!!!
Mon 3/20   Abi and Danny both ate something for breakfast!!!  Kris looks and feels SO much better.  He even decides to go to work the second half of the day.  Hopefully he won't be completely wiped out when he gets home!

There is chicken-noodle soup cooking on the stove, the bathroom has been thoroughly disinfected, and there is a glimmer of hope in my heart for the first time in 18 days!  THANK YOU GOD!!!