Monday, December 06, 2010

1 Month Old!!!

Our little man is 1 month old already. I know it went fast with Abi, but I think its going faster this time. The first 3 weeks were quite easy - he slept constantly. Its been a lot more rough this past week. He's having a really hard time getting himself back to sleep. I'm not sure I'm keeping him awake too long and he's getting overtired? In any event its been a trying week as we try to figure things out. I still think that he's a much easier baby than Abi was. He doesn't spend all his time screaming! But when he's really tired and can't sleep we do hear nerve-racking cries. He's REALLY gassy too, so now I'm trying to figure out if that is because of things that I'm eating? Its so hard to tell. That is part of his sleeping trouble - when he has gas it wakes him up and then he can't get back to sleep...

He's not so great at eating... his latch isn't good and he gulps air. I wouldn't say that he's a bad eater, but It seemed easier with Abi for some reason.

We've had a month of health struggles. After having Daniel I got a yeast infection just like last time. Just as that was clearing up we all came down with horrid colds/coughs. Even Daniel got a bit of a cold! I didn't think that could happen when they are that young - esp if they're breast fed?? Before all that cleared up I got my first ever UTI. NOT fun! Spent 5 days on abx, then about 4 healthy days, and then the UTI came right back. I'm really blessed that Dr. Carelle was willing to call in a script for me and I didn't have to go in. I went to Urgent care the first time so he had my records. Hopefully all will be well after this 10 days of Abx!! I'm tired of not being healthy. All that combined with my total lack of sleep is making it hard to have a positive attitude!