Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our New Furniture!

Its here!!! Our fabulous new bedroom furniture! Now we just have to sell our house and get one with a bigger master bedroom. J/K :) Its a little crowded, but its very do-able. We're so excited to finally have furniture... ...and an awesome mattress! Now need to finally get some curtains and decorate the room. The mattress came in on Sat. We were going to just sleep on the futon for a few days till the furniture came in, but we couldn't do it. We just laid it on the floor and slept on just that for a few days till the furniture came in on Tues (yesterday). I'm now waking up in comfort every morning. I've had no back pain for 4 days! What a wonderful feeling. :)

Its amazing how fast the dresser filled up! We had a little trouble fitting things, but I think we just weren't used to having dressers to put things in...
I wanted to get a good picture of Abi hugging her Teddy. This one isn't great, but its OK. My little babe who has always been the one to refuse any kind of snuggling is suddenly becoming a snugly baby!! And I love it!! I don't even really know how she figured it out, but one day I went in to get her up from her nap, and she rapped her arms around my neck, put her cheek against mine and said, "Aweeee...!" Oh, how I love it!! And she loves to hug her Teddies too - or as she says, "Teh-gees." She says Huggies too - "Uhh-gees." :) Oh, she loves to play with the cell phones too. For a couple months every time the phone rings and I pick it up she wants to talk and goes crazy till I let her say hello. Well, a couple days ago she was playing with Kris' phone and picked it up and put it to her ear all by herself. She's getting so big and figuring things out on her own! How does it happen? How do they grow up so fast?
On the other hand... We've had so much trouble getting Abi to nap well. I spent a week working hard to get her on a schedule and it seemed to work, but it didn't last even a week. Now I'm trying again. Its so frustrating. I've been reading "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby" and getting some good tips. I feel like we've tried everything over the last year. After doing some reading, It seems that she's been overtired and overstimulated most of her life despite how hard I've tried to keep that from being the case. Who knows... I have new resolve to just keep working at it. What else is there to do in such a case? Its been so frustrating, but the worst part is when it gets stressful. And that it has been. And stress isn't good for happy marriages. :) I'm so grateful that Kris is so understanding and helpful. I love you, Husband - with all my heart! Every day I'm reminded how blessed I am that you wanted to marry me. :)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Seems like there's always so much going on and I don't have time to update my blog. So I thought I might just throw out a punch of thoughts and leave it at that... ...for now...

- We've been having so much trouble with Abi's naps since she was born. Seems that letting her scream it out has finally done the trick. She still doesn't always sleep great, but usually so much better.

-We got a really wonderful tax return this year! What a blessing - now we're trying to decide what the priorities are to use it for.

-We've been wanting to have a hole put in the wall between the living room and dining room - kinda like a pass through window. So we decided to get an estimated done. ...$2895... WHAT!!??? Can you be serious???? We're talking a 4x5 foot window people! We're not talking paving the driveway in gold!

-We ordered bedroom furniture and we're sooooo excited. It should be in sometime next week. Tomorrow we're going to look for a mattress...

-We're in the middle of trying to refinance our house to bring our mortgage payments down a bit. The appraiser came on Monday and we're just praying that she gives good numbers. The house has to appraise for at least 223,000 in order for us to be able to re-fi.

-I dug up all the old bushes from the front of the house a couple weeks ago. The plan is to totally re-landscape the front this year. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully I can get at least one side done. I have grand ideas for what I want it to look like.

-I'd welcome any suggestions on how to get rid of moles. Our entire back yard has been completely destroyed by them!

-I can't wait to go to Florida in June! I miss my family soooo much.

-Abi is crawling all over the house now like a little crazy person and getting into everything that she can find. She cruses too - so cute :) She loves to go outside on nice days - she points to the window and says, "side?"

-I'm trying to prep to run a 5K this summer. I'm terrible at running and so far I can only run 1/2 mile at a time. Ugh - I didn't think that it would be so hard! But I really want to do it and I still want to lose another 10 lbs and I think that running will help.

-I have about 15 craft projects that I've been in the middle of for about 2 years. I want to work on all of them and get them finished up so I can start new things but I just can't seem to find any time.

-I need a maid. My house is dirty and I struggle to keep up - only because Abi no longer sits still while I work... Hmmm - I wonder if I can strap mops to her knees so she can clean on the go?!

I'm pretty sure that there is a lot more still on my mind, but I don't know what it is at the moment and I really must go to bed and get some sleep so that I can get back to all this tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

So excited!

I'm soooo excited!! After almost 4 years of marriage - sleeping in a bed with craters in the middle and putting our clothes in little cubical thingy-bobs... WE ORDERED BEDROOM FURNITURE LAST NIGHT!!! Woohoo!! I can't for it to come in. Now we can finally get our bedroom looking cozy. :) It wasn't that big a priority for us because... well - who sees the bedroom anyway? And there are always so many other things that seem to be more important. But we've been saving for a long time and finally had enough money. Plus with our beautiful tax return we're going to get a new mattress!! I can't wait to be sleeping more comfortably! We were both starting to get more and more uncomfortable on that old mattress. Wow - I feel so blessed...! This picture isn't the best as it doesn't show the dressers, but it was the best I could find. I went on the website of the furniture store that we bought it from and they didn't even have a picture up yet because its so new - so I just hunted the Internet for a while before I found this.