Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A few Abi pics :)

I haven't had a whole lot of spare time in the last few days (I mean weeks!), but Abi is sleeping at the moment and I thought I'd post a few pictures. This first one is me the day Abi was born! My water broke and I took some time to finish packing for the hospital - oh, and clean the house. Then to the hospital for 15 hours of labor! Epidural after 11 hrs and some pitocin sped things up - then only 15 minutes of pushing and out came little Abigail Reese Milo!

I brought my stethoscope home from work and we took turns listening to her heart and lungs - just for the fun of it. :) She didn't seem to mind.

Abi love her dad. :)
During a peaceful sleeping moment...
The first 2 weeks were so easy.... eat, sleep, poop, eat, sleep, poop.... This last week has been a little more difficult. Abigail sleeps pretty well at night, but for the last few days she hasn't slept at all during the day - just one nap and then she's fussy all day... ugh. I think that she's seeing better and is noticing everything going on around her. I'm pretty sure she's over-stimulated. I guess we have to work on that! My plan for the rest of the week is to get a little more sleep for little miss Abi!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

My Awesome Husband :)

Our new family...

This is my favorite picture of all time...

I'm so very thankful for my husband. I can't help but think that it can't be fun to be in the hospital with me for 2-3 days, but he didn't complain at all and helped me through everything! I'm so greatful and more in love than ever. :)

Baby is here!

Abigail Reese Milo
6-2-08 at 10:04pm
6lbs, 7oz and 19in long