Sunday, January 27, 2008

Five Months...

Well - didn't have a belly at all till about a week and half ago - now I do. Here it is - my 5 month shot! I forgot to smile for the picture - don't worry, I really am happy!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Its A GIRL!!!!!!

We had an ultrasound this morning and sure enough... ITS A GIRL!!! We're really excited! We would be just as happy either way, but we were hoping just a little bit for a girl! :) The ultrasound was awesome! Kris came with me and we were both amazed by how much we could see and how easy it was to make everything out! We could see all the little bones in the arms and legs, hands and feet. We saw the little one wiggling all over - its so amazing to see! She's already all curled up in her little "baby pose." Yes, I was and still am in absolute awe!!

So, I thought I would share the few ultrasound pictures that I have so far... This first one was at 6 weeks and I call it "the pea!" ...test positive - there is an egg sack...!
This second one is 10 weeks... You can't really see much, but those 2 little balls at the top are baby Milo! I think the head is on the right and he body on the left...
And last but not least - these two are today's glamor shots!! I think she looks like a little alien...:) so cute. You can see the face easily and her little arm...
Well, that's all folks...
Until next time...

Oh, p.s. I forgot that I was going to mention - on a different note - God blessed me with a pretty substantial raise at work this week! What a blessing! Apparently my Hospital had to evaluate our pay based on other hospitals around and we didn't measure up! What a blessing for us! Especially now that the little one is coming and ill be cutting back!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Random thoughts and ramblings...

Hi to everyone reading! Yup, we're all still alive. I come on here daily to check everyone else' blogs, but somehow just haven't had the wherewithal to actually post for myself. :) Its somewhat sad and always amazing just how busy the Holidays get - and the focus always seems to end up on things other than Christ - the true meaning of Christmas. May that be not the case through the next year... Happy 2008 everyone!

The last few weeks have been much better for me - I'm not sick anymore. Thank God!!! What a rough time that was! I'm pretty sure that I've probably been feeling the baby move for a couple weeks now too, but not knowing exactly what that feels like, I'm still not quite sure... My next Dr. appointment is the 21st and we're hoping to find out what we're having that day if "little one" will just cooperate! :) I can't wait to paint the room and start getting things ready! Its hard to believe that I'm almost halfway done being pregnant! I'm not really even showing yet!!! I'm still wearing the same jeans and only just this week have I had just a little bit more trouble holding in my tummy - but most everyone still has no idea I'm pregnant unless I tell them.

I must enter a note here of sincere thanks to my wonderful husband. He's put up with my odd emotional moments with very little complaint... Thanks Honey! Sunday I was trying to get ready for church and started bawling because I looked like the Pillsbury Dough Boy in every sweater I tried on... I have no idea where that came from! A friend of mine gave me a huge tote of maternity clothes, but I'm not there yet - they look silly, I'm just getting "fuller" everywhere, shall we say... A couple new "new year's sale rack" sweaters later I feel much better. Oh, and I noticed in the mall yesterday that there is a new - as I call it - "big bra store!" What a relief!!!

I'm hoping to post some more pictures soon... I've been awfully lazy in the photo department lately... I have a hard time wanting to take pictures in the winter time. Oh, and speaking of winter - we've already had more snow this winter than I remember having since I was a kid! We've had 3 big snow storms already and its only Jan 1st! We had a white Christmas for the first time in many years! So beautiful! Sadly, I'm not as much the kid anymore and not quite as thrilled with snow as I used to be - oh, well - it sure is pretty! :) Pretty, that is, until we woke up to the lovely sound of dripping water in our bedroom the other night! We think what happened was - the icicles backed up so far into the sofets (however that's spelled) that when they started to melt the water started to drip in through the window frame. There doesn't seem to be any permanent damage but makes us very nervous for the rest of the winter! We're praying that rain gutters on the house in the spring will take care of the problem - if only we don't have any more trouble before that... We may have to have a roofer come look at it if it happens again. :(

I hope that this find everyone happy, healthy and blessed by God this new year!!!