Monday, November 26, 2007



(Left to Right:Back Row: Beth, Tyson, Aaron, Mellissa, Morgan, Amy, Mama - Pa in the back.
Front row: Kris, Jessamyn, Mark, Linea, Mercy)

No doubt there will be more pictures to post later, but this is the only one touched up so far. What a wonderful weekend we had! I had to work a lot of it, but it was so wonderful to have all of my family together just hanging out for the first time in years! I'm so happy that everyone could make it!!! And imagine there actually being room in our house for all you crazy people to sleep! This weekend was full of what will be happy memories for a very long time. Hope you all know just how much Kris and I love everyone of you!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Weeks of Nausea...

Kris, Mark and Linea are busy playing Mario-cart so it seems to be a good time for me to post!

OH, the last several weeks!! I haven't posted in so long, but truthfully I have had neither the energy nor the initiative! The last several weeks have consisted of constantly thinking about food - wanting it and yet wondering if I will ever be able to stomach the thought of anything but crackers and milk?!? Thankfully the last week has gotten somewhat better - at least now its to the point that I can stand it and if I can keep myself distracted I'm able to think about something else for a short period of time! Ok - enough of that. Other than that I just sleep all the time - bedtime seems to have become generally much closer to 7pm than 10pm and my, how the 5:30am mornings are rough!!! :)

So, I think that Linea has decided not to move in now. We feel bad since she and Mark did all the work on the room! But, they just got engaged and are planning to get married in April so it makes sense for her to just stay in Coby and get a job there. Thanks for fixing up our new office guys! It was very nice of you!