Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Dr. Appointment...

Oh, the last 2 weeks... They have been rough - to say the least. I hate to complain, but if there is one thing that I hate its being nauseous and it hasn't stopped for 12 days so far. I'm better on the days that I work for the simple reason that there are so many things to keep me distracted! Please, dear God, Help me through this time! I probably shouldn't admit this, but I was starting to get scared... I've been so sick that I wasn't excited anymore... and I hated that feeling! Well, today I went to the Dr. for the very first time. I'm still sick and trying to keep food down as I write, BUT - I'm excited again... I have our first ultrasound picture hanging on the fridge!!! I must admit - it really looks like a pea. Way to small to really see anything - just a little round ball. But, I did see the heartbeat. Now a little more of reality sets in! I just can't wait to feel better!!! I was so hoping to avoid this part! Dr. Skory changed my due date too. He said the baby is still to small to be quite as far along as I thought... So the new due date is June 7th.