Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well, its been taking me forever to get around to all the post that I want to post - I have much more pictures to come, but since I can't seem to get to that through all the unpacking and yard work - I decided to just do one thing at a time. Of course that really is the only way that things can be done... :) So anyway, here are some before and after pictures of our bedroom... We decided the week before moving that we wouldn't really be able to sleep in the room if we didn't do some work on it - so we worked...

And worked...
And worked...

And showed off for the camera...
And finally the room was painted - after many hours and sore muscles. And I must say, I think its one of the best painting jobs we have ever done! Some of you may not like the color, but we love it!!! Nice and bright and cheerful! The funny thing was (awesome actually) that we were both thinking of the same color before we went to the store - so we are both really happy with the outcome!

Now we just have to get some furniture, bedding and curtains and we will be all set! :) (oh, yah, and change the outlets and covers...) Its all coming together quite nicely. I guess the key is to remember that everything will never truly be "finished."


Sunday, May 20, 2007

WooHoo!!! and Yippee!!!

We've Moved!!!

There is still plenty of unpacking to be done, but we are so excited. Actually, a couple days and we will probably be done with the unpacking anyway... I have pictures to post (ie: painting our bedroom and the move) but that will have to wait a couple days. We should hopefully have the internet back tomorrow... (ssshh - don't tell... we are at Kris' work at the moment to check our e-mail...) So anyway - much more to follow, but I just wanted to let everyone know that we have moved! And a HUGE thank you to every one that helped!!! I can't belive how fast it went - 30 min to load everything into the truck and about the same to unload! I know that we don't have much stuff, but we have a bit! You guys (and girls) we're amaizing!

Kris and Jessamyn
Morgan and Amy Garner
Fred Engelheardt
Bill Carlson
Bill Novak
Ki-tae and Soyoung (and baby) Mok

Thanx so much you guys!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

It has finally happened!

It's finally happened - we are home owners once again. Our closing finally happened today at 1pm and went very smoothly. We're so excited to have a home again! Our mortgage is higher than we hoped, but we are still thanking God for all his blessings - they have been so many over the last couple years! We are already making lists of the many things that we would like to do - I'm sure it will take the entire next 30 years of paying it off to do all of them! You can check out the rest of the pictures on our regular website (www.shutupmilo.com) - take a good look at the pool - I think it will need some help before any of us get in it!!! The next couple week look to be a little overwhelming with all the cleaning and moving etc. but we're really excited and so looking forward to no longer being in this apartment. Now we get to start over one more time... with our own home. We are looking forward to all the year that we will spend here and the memories that will be made! WooHoo!!!

Moving pictures to follow...

Monday, May 07, 2007

Still waiting...

Maybe the 1st, I mean the 4th, I mean 8th - No make that the 10th.... Yah, maybe we'll close on the house on Thursday - the 10th. That's the latest and greatest date so far - I'm not getting my hopes up any more. Maybe I'll belive it when its done :)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


So frustating.... The closing on our house was supposed to be Tuesday (May 1st.) - but that didn't happen and no one could tell us why. Next the closing was supposed to be this coming Friday (May 4th) - well, we just found out that isn't happening either.... Why? Because the woman selling us the house has already moved - she pre-signed all the paperwork and left the state ....without moving the furnature out of the house!!! Not only that - just found out today that her 18 yr old son is still living in the house. (Yes, we did say in the contract that we wanted to close on the 1st!) Now they are saying that we can close on Tueday the 8th. Hmmm - just wondering if that will happen? And, what, do I ask for the day off from work only to have them change their minds again? Last year when we sold our house everything went so smothly.... this hasn't been smooth at all! It seems like every one involved has dropped the ball and Kris and I are both getting very frustrated and disheartened.... Please, Lord - we need some help!