Thursday, January 25, 2007

My hand...

So, I'm a nurse. And just so you know, nurses don't go to the Dr. Nurses just take care of it themselves... Untill their husbands tell them to "just go." I had a physical a few weeks ago, and while I was there I asked the Dr. about some pain that I had been having in my left hand. At the time my first finger was all swollen and painful and he thought that I might have a ganglion cyst. But, the swelling went away after a few days - just not the pain. Anyway, my doctor had set me up with an appointment to see an orthopedic hand specialist. Since the hand wasn't swollen anymore I almost didn't go - till Kris said "Pro - just go. What's it gonna hurt." So I went. They did x-rays and told me I have tendinitis. Yippy-skippy :) So he froze my hand and gave me a lovely little injection of cortisone and lidocaine that made my finger (and hand) numb for about an hour. (May I just say that I really enjoy - not in a bad way - giving injections, but I hate needles coming at me!!!) Hopefully that will help - otherwise I will start a lil-bit-o hand therapy next week. Then hopefully that will work so that he doesn't have to do his little minor surgery...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Can you say Wii?

Well, it was meant to be a Christmas present for my Hubby, but he just got it yesterday after still having to stand in line for 2 hours in 5 degree weather!!! But - let me tell you - this little toy is a whole lot of fun - especially since I won both the Wii golf and Wii bolling! I felt bad for Kris, but he says he's happy that there is finally something that I can give him a little competition in... :)
Hmmm... lets see - in other news... I was sick with a horrid rotten cough for a about 3 weeks. That seems to be better finally, but now my poor husband seems to be coming down with much the same thing... :(
I don't know if anyone else watched the show "Rock star Supernova" or if we are just dorks. We went their concert last night down at the Times Union Center. The show was fun to watch, but sadly the bands were just not good. I enjoyed Dilana, but the others... well, we had a lot of fun anyway!
Our "Young Married Couples" group is going well. It been hard to schedule lately with the Holidays and people having babies and morning sickness and all, (I seriously know 23 woman that are either pregnant or just had babies right now!) but everything is great in general. We are very pleased with how well everyone in the group fits together and the growth that we have seen in some individuals. Its funny - when our group started everyone was so shy and quiet and no one really spoke to each other. Now people talk a lot and 2 of the couples have even expressed a desire to take a turn preparing the lesson! We are just starting a series on "The attributes of God" through a book by A.W. Tossier. I love that book - we'll see how it goes. We love our small group. There are always days that you are tired and don't feel like going or preparing etc, but I truly look forward to Thursday nights twice a month!
I don't really have anything also too exciting to share. We plan to start looking for a house mid-March... and we can't wait! We literally sit and watch the real estate channel by the hour. It's so hard to live in an apartment - and we seem to have all pigs living in this building. I don't say that to be mean - its just gross here! We are going to Florida to see Aaron and Melissa in March and we will start looking as soon as we get back! Yippee!!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Well, dear people Christmas and the New Year have come and gone once again. We had a great couple of weeks with lots of family and friends in and out and traveling. I've been quite sick ever since Christmas, but still was able to have a lot of fun. God blessed us with a great family that we like spending time with. Ty and Merc were home from college for a few weeks which was nice. Only missed Aaron and Melissa, but we are planning to go visit them in March.

Papa and Mama with representation of Aaron and Melissa:

The ever happy couple - Kris and Jessamyn:)

Morgan and Amy sharing a moment:

Ty - what a handsome guy:

Ty and his lovely new girlfriend Beth - they really do like each other!!!

Sister love :) Pro, Merc and Dee

Linea and Mark - and no they weren't having a boxing match:

Mercy - always ready for the camera:

Linea - Beth made her the scarf: