Sunday, April 30, 2006

Big Changes...

Well, the long and the short of it is... We're selling our lovely little home! Probably will come as a shock to most of you... (it's kind of a shock to us too.) We weren't planning to sell it for a couple years, but have recently learned that we should be able to sell it for enough to pay off all our debts. We're planning (if it sells as planned) to live in an apartment for a year. If we are able to pay off our debts, then we'll just save up for a year and plan to buy a new (bigger) house next year. We're excited, nervous, happy, a little sad, and very VERY tired. The house goes on the market officially tomorrow with showings starting on Thursday. Can't wait to see what happens!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

busy - ever so busy...

haven't posted in a while and this is why... the back yard! When Kris bought the house there were tons of huge overgrown bushes all around the yard. Last year we cut them all down and this year we are digging out the stumps. Hopefully we'll have grass planted soon and a flower garden. One of Kris' buddies from work came over tonight with his truck to help us pull out a punch of stumps. What a blessing! I had no idea what a pain it is to dig all that junk up!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Gettin Ready...

Now, not only are we boaters... we're getting ready to be campers. We actually went to Walmart to get our fishing liscenses for the year and just happened to find this tent on sale - muchly marked down. And, yes, like all mature adults we couldn't wait for a good warm day to try to set it up outside. But, we learned something - the floor space in our living room is not 9' x 9'. The tent really won't be this tall by the time its all spread out. So - looking forward to a bro and sis camping trip!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fun Times!

Hehehe... good for a few laughs :) We went down to the Corning Preserve over the weekend to take some pictures. One of the challenges for this week was "yellow" so Kris was taking some pics of me with this wig on. (You can see it on our website.) So I got him to put it on just before we left. The funniest part was that there was a guy out jogging and he was afraid to go by - as he put it "I definitely can't get in the way of this one!" Slightly even more humorous the very next day when I was walking at the Y with Jessica and the very same guy went jogging past me. Don't you ever wonder just what must go through other people's heads when they see you? Or is that just me?

There is a mini challenge going on (starting Saturday) at DPC. A bunch of people are going to try to do 30 self-portraits in 30 day. Kris and I are both going to try to do it so we are both creating additional photologs to post them to. I'll be putting links to the left of my page if you want to go check them out. Probably won't post them every day, but will post a few a time. We'll see.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring has Sprung

We went for a little photo shoot in Washington Park last weekend... Here is a picture of the first flower I saw this year! I can drive Kris crazy by telling him every little flower I find blooming in the yard each day, but I think its one of the things that I get most excited about in the spring. It was so beautiful this week. I'm sure that we will still have a few cooler days this year, but it was 75 degrees and so sunny Friday. So what did I do on my lovely day off? Plant some flowers and rake the lawn... I was trying to get a sun burn, but it didn't work.

We took our boat out on the water Friday afternoon. Now we are officially boaters. There was some fear that the canoe might be a little "tippy" but it wasn't. Its so nice - nothing quite like taking a canoe out on some peaceful water near sunset! We saw a few painted turtles sunning themselves on dead logs. Can't wait for the next warm day.